Newborns Diagnosed with Horner’s Syndrome

Horner's Syndrome birth injury

When labor and delivery is not handled appropriately, the health and well-being of both the mother and the child is put a risk.

A poor decision by a physician can mean the difference between life and death. A birth injury to the spinal cord, such as Horner’s syndrome, may result from medical malpractice during childbirth. Horner’s syndrome is a type of facial injury when the cluster of nerves running from the brain to the eye and face are interrupted. The condition is also known as oculosympathetic palsy. According to statistics available with Missouri medical malpractice lawyers, 1 out of every 6,200 babies are affected by this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Horner’s Syndrome

  • Horner’s syndrome often affects only one side of the child’s face.
  • The upper eye lid of the affected side tends to droop over the eye.
  • The eye appears bloodshot.
  • The constricted pupil within the eye causes disproportionate pupil sizes.
  • The affected eye appears sunken in the cavity.
  • The baby may seem to have different color eyes. This happens because of the lightening of the iris.
  • The affected side does not perspire.

Although these symptoms seem quite serious, they do not generally impact the general well-being or the ability of the baby to see; however, the resultant nerve damage can lead to serious complications and even death. It is extremely important to treat the nerve damage caused by Horner’s syndrome.

Birth-Related Causes of Horner’s Syndrome

There are several situations that can arise during childbirth to cause Horner’s syndrome:

  • If the baby is in breech position, the doctor may pull the baby too hard from the birth canal and cause damage to the nerves.
  • In cases of difficult delivery, the doctor may have to use assistive techniques such vacuum extraction or forceps. However, if the techniques are not properly used they may cause severe injuries. The doctor may end up injuring the sympathetic nerve, which may cause damage to the eye and face.
  • In some cases, Horner’s syndrome has been misdiagnosed as Erb’s palsy. This leads to a delay in treatment and can exaggerate the condition.

Compensation for Medical Malpractice

Treatment for Horner’s syndrome is expensive, time-consuming, and often painful for the baby. In case your baby’s Horner’s syndrome is a result of a doctor’s negligence, consult with an experienced Missouri birth injury attorney to help secure the compensation that you and your child deserve. Call The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. at (314) 588-7200.


Missouri Medical Malpractice Lawyer

If you have suffered as a result of medical malpractice, contact our legal team right away. Waiting to seek legal representation can prevent you from filing a claim and receiving the compensation you deserve.

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