Fighting for Your Family’s Future
The St. Louis birth injury attorneys at Zevan Murphy are both parents and protectors — our team fights for each injured child as if they were our own. As mothers and fathers, we understand the emotional and physical toll that comes with an unexpected birth injury and strive to hold hospitals, doctors and other medical personnel accountable for the lack of care and attention towards you or your child.
Get a free consultationOur St. Louis Birth Injury Attorneys
Each member on our team brings years of experience and insider medical knowledge to the forefront to secure you the highest possible outcome. We carefully guide you through investigations, settlements and trials — for the sake of your family and their future.

David Zevan
David Zevan deeply sympathizes with medical malpractice victims. As a survivor of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, he has a unique understanding of the struggles personal injury victims may experience during their recovery process. David, a father of three, passionately advocates for families hurt by birth injuries, utilizing his years of experience to heal others through rightful compensation.
Meet David
Morgan Murphy
A mother of two, Morgan Murphy has worked in medical malpractice for over 10 years. She has a background in representing physicians and medical corporations in the courtroom, leaving her with a strong understanding of the tactics used by their legal teams. Now she takes on medical professionals as a St. Louis birth injury attorney battling for birth injury victims and their families.
Meet Morgan
Anna Haber
Anna Haber practices in all areas of personal injury law while still keeping a firm hand on medical malpractice expertise. She has fought for victims of personal injury for over 15 years in both Missouri and Illinois. As a mother of two, Anna understands the joys of motherhood and hopes to set each child up for success through high-level settlements and verdicts.
Meet AnnaBacking Birth Injury Victims
Birth injuries can turn a happy memory into a traumatizing event. While no dollar amount can erase the experience of birth injury, compensation can make your family’s journey a bit easier. Our St. Louis birth injury attorneys can help you determine if you are eligible for compensation.
$9.3 Million
Failure to Treat Congenital Heart Defect Resulting in Cerebral Palsy
$7 Million
Failure to Perform Timely Delivery Resulting in Cerebral Palsy
$4.5 Million
Failure to Transfer for Hypothermic Cooling Resulting in Cerebral Palsy
$3.9 Million
Failure to Perform Timely Delivery Resulting in Cerebral Palsy
$1.25 Million
Failure to Treat Preeclampsia Resulting in Cerebral Palsy
$1 Million
Failure to Perform Proper Maneuvers Resulting in Permanent Brachial Plexus Palsy
Failure to Perform Proper Maneuvers Resulting in Permanent Brachial Plexus Palsy
$3.9 Million
Failure to Perform Timely Delivery Resulting in Cerebral Palsy
$1 Million
Failure to Offer C-Section Resulting in Shoulder Dystocia
$5 Million
Failure to Timely Treat Rh Incompatibility Resulting in Organ Damage
$1.85 Million
Failure to Treat Postpartum Infection Resulting in Hysterectomy
Failure to Perform Timely Delivery Resulting in Death
Failure to Properly Treat Postpartum Cardiomyopathy Resulting in Death
Failure to Offer C-Section Resulting in Shoulder Dystocia
Failure to Perform Proper Maneuvers Resulting in Permanent Brachial Plexus Palsy
Birth Injuries Defined
A birth injury is a physical trauma during pregnancy, labor or delivery that resulted from the negligence of hospital staff members, doctors or nurses. These are not your fault— rather, they are preventable through proper medical care.
The birth injury cases we take on typically fall into two categories:
Injury or Death of the Mother
An injury to the mother can cause lasting physical and emotional damage that impacts relationships, career paths and overall mental health. Some injuries include vaginal tearing, uterine ruptures, heart problems, and spinal cord injuries.
Injury or Death of the Child
An injury to a child can impact the entire trajectory of their life before it has truly started. Not to be confused with genetic birth defects, birth injuries to a child are the result of inaction or improper action by medical professionals. For example, excessive pulling during delivery can cause shoulder dystocia.

Birth injuries and deaths are often caused by oxygen deprivation, improper delivery techniques, premature birth and other birth-related complications. While you may have experienced one of these events, not every case is viable in court — the injury must have been directly caused by negligence of the medical professionals. The criteria you must meet differs by cause, making a St. Louis birth injury attorney key to your case.

Birth injuries to a child range from temporary conditions to lifelong disabilities, including:
- Cerebral Palsy
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Brachial Palsy
- Erb’s Palsy
- Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
- Spastic Quadriplegia

Missouri Birth Injury Law
Birth injuries fall beneath the umbrella of medical malpractice — under Missouri law, there are a few conditions these cases abide by, including:
The Statute of Limitations
In Missouri, medical malpractice cases must be filed within two years of the date of negligence. However, a case brought on behalf of a minor child may be brought up until his or her 20th birthday.
The Noneconomic Damages Cap
For noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering, the State of Missouri caps compensation at $450,000 to $780,000, with a yearly cost of living adjustment. However, Missouri will not cap economic damage claims such as loss of income or the value of future medical needs.
An Affidavit of Merit
If you or a loved one has been affected by a birth injury, you must file an affidavit of merit within 90 days of initiating a claim. This document must contain expert testimony that validates a claim of injury to yourself or your child.
Missouri also has special rules when allocating damages to multiple responsible parties, such as a case involving both a doctor and a nurse. A St. Louis birth injury attorney can be crucial in navigating the specifics of your case successfully.
Steps to Take After a Birth Injury
As the statute of limitations is short in Missouri, quick action is required when pursuing a birth injury case. Once you discover a birth injury, you should:
- Receive medical care.
- Obtain copies of your medical records.
- Contact an attorney.
The attorneys at Zevan Davidson Roman can help you obtain expert testimony, pinpoint the exact form of malpractice committed and pursue the largest possible outcome for you and your child. If you believe that you or your child have experienced medical malpractice, contact a St. Louis birth injury attorney for a free consultation.
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