Suspected Illinois Nursing Home Abuse
If you suspect that a loved one is a victim of abuse at an Illinois nursing home, contact the Zevan and Davidson Law Firm today! 
Our parents have taken care of us for most of our lives. They have been the key factor in how we have developed into adults. They have raised us from infancy all the way up to maturity. They have nursed us as babies, taught us through our formative years and contended with our teenage phases as we grew up under their love and care.
Because of their years of dedication in helping us to grow into responsible members of society when they begin to age and their independence begins to wane we want to make sure that they are taken care of to the best of our ability. Sometimes we are not able to do this on our own so we find putting them into a nursing home is necessary.
These homes give our loved ones the special attention they need in an entire range of areas that we may not be able to do ourselves. We rely on them to care for our family members with the same care that we may wish to do ourselves. So when it happens that we suspect cases of abuse it is distressing and unpleasant. First and foremost we want to seek relief for our family members but we also want to get restitution for their suffering.
Different Types of Nursing Home Abuse
The reasons for abuse can be varied. Some cases may involve physical abuse while others may be on an emotional level. Physical abuse could take many forms ranging from beatings or slaps to something as serious as a sexual assault. On the other hand neglect can also be a serious problem for an elderly patient. Mental abuse can be through harsh or cruel words that cause public humiliation or personal insults designed to offend and hurt the individuals sense of self respect and pride.
Whatever the case, nursing home abuse is a serious issue that needs to be addressed swiftly and efficiently. Since the average age of a nursing home patient is around 85 years of age cases of this nature are deemed extremely serious. Often these abuses could mean their lives if not rectified in a timely manner.
Become a Detective
These cases of abuse are not always easy to detect. Many facilities are very adept at hiding their abuse in order to keep the patient in their care. The revenue to be gained from just one patient can make a huge difference in their profitability. If the patient is lucid and alert, talk to them. Ask probing questions to find out what happens after hours. Check their bodies for bruises and bedsores. Don’t just come and visit your loved one but spend time talking with the staff as well. Check their charts if need be. To uncover these cases of abuse you will need to become a kind of detective.
Most people are not aware of the fact that there are special laws that govern these types of cases. Family and friends who suspect that their loved one has become a victim of nursing home abuse will do well to learn many of the signs that could indicate that they may have to intervene on their behalf.
Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
At the Zevan and Davidson Law Firm we have qualified nursing home abuse lawyers with the proven ability to help you and your family receive the justice you deserve. Our office is located in St. Louis but we handle nursing home abuse cases throughout Illinois and Missouri.
Advanced age does not make a person a lesser member of society. Rather, the law provides them with even more protection. Contact us today at (314) 588-7200 for a free and private consultation.
photo credit: Baijg
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